Controlled Document Solutions Frederik Madsen October 22, 2018

Controlled Document Solutions

Document Control | We develop solutions that help organizations manage their data and processes in a standardized, controlled way.

We keep the End-Users of the solutions in mind, to help them succeed in their workdays and bring value to the company.

CtrlDocs features include:

Example of a simple solution:

Pre-Configured Solutions

We deliver pre-configured Information and Document Management solutions for common (and less common) challenges – that are Ready-for-Use to support your processes and to integrate with your systems (including seamless integration with Windows OS and MS Office).

Get a Personal Demo

Let us start a conversation by booking a Personal demo based on your needs. After that we can Set Up a Trial for your team.

By submitting this form, you consent to us contacting you to oblige and follow up your request.

Document Management
with Metadata and AI

Screenshot of CtrlDocs dashboard, where it is possible to search for documents and collaborate in editing and approval workflows of Controlled Documents.
Manage any content and enrich it with workflows and metadata Smart search and managed metadata let you find your information faster in context with relevant data and tasks

M-Files is a recognized leader and innovator in Information Management and the basis of our platform. M-Files leverages intelligent metadata, easily designed but powerful workflows and artificial intelligence to give IT, software admins and End-Users a unique experience. M-Files just works, and it brings your document management to the cutting edge of software innovation.

Learn more about M-Files and Enterprise Content Management at and

Controlled Documents
with Change Management

Overview of controlled document process in VisualQMS

Using M-Files’ advanced metadata and workflows, we have designed a Ready-to-Use solution to manage controlled documents where an approval & publication workflow and export to PDF is needed. Collaborate with notifications and reminders, to ensure the End-Users get access to continuously improved and correct content.

Learn about CtrlDocs for Elements.Cloud

Contact us about our solutions 

Business Process Management & Automation

Screenshot of CtrlDocs Audit Module
Easily plan perform log and present Audits in CtrlDocs with the Audit Module With Workflows Scheduling Notifications and Reminders That is just one example of our Pre Configured solutions to complex processes

We have developed solutions for easy management of business processes with standardized document management and workflows. Our collection includes pre-configured solutions that support GDPR processes, Contract Life-Cycle Management, HR & Salary documents – and much more!

Visual Quality Management System

Diagram of how Visual QMS combines Compliance Requirements, Controlled Documents, Visual Process Diagrams and Workflows for Supporting Processes into one Visual Solution.

Based on our experiences of implementing Quality Management Systems at some of the leading Nordic businesses, we have developed a new solution with our customers: in order to support the quality processes and compliance needs we have encountered in a more modern and affordable way. Available ready-to-use or “made-to-measure” with our pre-configured modules.

Learn more about Visual QMS

Why Pre-Configured Solutions?

Most modern businesses have some sets of IT and Business process challenges in common, which may benefit greatly from system support. Using pre-configured solutions to standardize information management and workflows is a modern approach to these challenges. Thanks to advancements in Information Management technology, a platform has emerged that allows for immediate implementation of such solutions.

While all organizations have their own unique business processes, the key activities and objectives are often similar in many ways. Typically, there are Operational processes such as Strategy, Sales and Delivery; Supporting processes such as HR, Salary and Quality Management; then more specific IT processes such as Document Management, Contract Management, Scanning, Archiving, etc.).

While different from company to company, they often have similar sets of key inputs and outputs – even if the exact order may vary. The amount and structure of the activities, people and data within different companies may be vastly different. But the essential flow of information and tasks to be performed between systems and key people usually has some similarities in order to meet the core objectives of a given process. In a given HR process, a set of co-workers (of between 2-5 distinct roles) collaborate around a set of tasks and data from different sources, in order to ensure recruitment, retention and termination is organized for the company. In a given Salary process, a set of co-workers ensure the employees are paid correctly and on time, etc.

In a given HR process, a set of co-workers (of between 2-5 distinct roles) collaborate around a set of tasks and data from different sources, in order to ensure recruitment, retention and termination is organized for the company. In a given Salary process, a set of co-workers ensure the employees are paid correctly and on time, etc. By combining knowledge of a process and our expertise in our powerful standard solution for information management, we are able to create pre-configured solutions – that may need little to no tailoring to fit our customers’ needs.

  • All your Documents in one place, with Standardized creation, Management and Archiving.
  • Easy collaboration without generating extra Document copies or sending emails back and forth.
  • Super fast search, with content preview on documents.
  • Full Version Control and Version History
  • Advanced Access Control and Role-Based Permissions
  • Leverage AI for even easier data classification
  • Repository Neutral: store you content anywhere and manage it in CtrlDocs!

Recognized by leading analysts, including Gartner Group

We use a leading standard solution called M-Files to power CtrlDocs. M-Files is recognized in the Gartner Magic QuadrantNucleus Research Value Matrix and other reports on Content Management Services as a leader of innovation, ease-of-use and ease-of-configuration.

Our pre-configured M-Files solution gives the document Editors a stable and user-friendly place to collaborate in. While M-Files is also an excellent user-interface for End Users, you can publish and host your documents where ever you want to ensure your End Users have access.

Nucleus ECM value matrix, led by our platform
Nucleus Research Value Matrix for ECM
Gartner Magic Quadrant for ECM, with our platform as leading innovation
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Services
Forrester wave ECM report, with our platform in a leading position
Forrester Wave Report for ECM Services

Tailored to your needs

Our solutions can be tailored to your needs through simple or advanced configuration using standard functions, to achieve specific functions and deep integration with other systems. In cases when this is not enough, our system is recognized as a very powerful development platform – making tailor-made solutions, extended features and more advanced or specific integration possible.

Standard system features include:

  • Seamless integration with MS Office (incl. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook)
  • Accessible on all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Android, iPhone and Web browsers)
  • Mimics Windows/MacOS, to ensure adoption and quick learning
  • Full Version Control
  • Powerful Access Control
  • All Changes in metadata and documents are tracked and traceable
  • Tracking of downloads
  • Metadata and documents securely stored
  • Configurable Review processes
  • Configurable Approval processes
  • Mobile access through pre shared keys (Optional)
  • Federated Authentication with 2 factor authentication (Optional)

Get in contact

e-mail: [email protected]

phone: +45 32 74 65 44

We would be happy to to discuss your needs, schedule a demo and/or set up a trial version for you.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more info.

Ctrldocs ApS | Høyrups Alle 26, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark | CVR 28123981