The First Danish M-Files Solution Partner! Frederik Madsen May 9, 2022

The First Danish M-Files Solution Partner!

The first danish M-Files solution partner - CtrlDocs

For years, we have been active in creating comprehensive and user-friendly applications that extend the default behaviour of the M-Files Document Management System. Thanks to the development team and the community that M-Files has fostered, we have come through to the other side swinging and ready to make a considerable impact on users worldwide.

As it turned out, our efforts had not flown under the radar of the M-Files team. They were swift in pointing us in the direction of the M-Files Solution Catalog. All the latest and most excellent extensions are on display in this place. We had to be on there.

March 2022 marked when we finally hit the solution catalog with our first product. We even made it there as the first official M-Files Solution Partner in Denmark and are still the only ones as of writing this blog post 😉. We chose the CtrlShare application as our initial offering because it fills a need for easy and secure document sharing and co-authoring. CtrlShare is the best of both worlds; a controlled version of a OneDrive co-authored document while maintaining access control and traceability of anyone who has had access. Below you may find a video demo of CtrlShare!

Our subsequent additions to the solution catalog will come soon this year, so stay tuned on our LinkedIn page, our blog or sign up for our newsletter. By signing up for our newsletter, you will be the first to know about any new and upcoming projects and special promotions. Expect only an email a month, and you may unsubscribe at any time! Our next addition to the solution catalog is CtrlConnect, designed to transform how users retrieve and search for M-Files information inside Microsoft Teams. Sign up today to be the first to know when it goes live


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