Document configurations#

In CtrlSync, it is possible to maintain multiple types of connections to Microsoft Graph through multiple Document configurations. Each document configuration is connected to a particular class of Graph object.

Configuration entries#



Data source class

The class that this document configuration applies to. All documents that are created by instances of this class will be subjected to the settings defined in this document configuration.

Use black-list or white-list for classes

Whether to use a black-list or a white-list for the document classes derived from the associated property-mappers.

Class white-list

Controls a white-list for classes. This ensures that property-mappers can only derive classes listed here.

Class black-list

Controls a class black-list. This ensures that some classes cannot be derived from property-mappers.

Default Document Class

The default document class. This is the class picked by default for all documents downloaded from SharePoint/Teams. To set a particular class based on metadata, use a property-mapper.

Default Workflow & Default Workflow State

The default document workflow and starting state for every document downloaded from SharePoint/Teams.

Error Workflow & Error Workflow State

An error workflow and starting state for handling a data source that has failed to download due to some error.

Make error assignments?

Create an error assignment for the owner of a data source, whenever an error occurs when downloading a file.

Default Named Access Control List

The default NACL to use for each document downloaded from SharePoint/Teams by CtrlSync.

Prevent checkouts

Indicates whether checking out documents from data sources should be prevented when the data source is still active .

Copy Properties

Whether properties should be copied from the originating graph source object. This can be combined with a property blacklist to avoid copying particular properties from the graph source

Use black-list or white-list for properties

Whether to use black-list or white-list for the document properties derived from the associated property-mappers.

Property white-list

Controls a property white-list. If not empty, this is used to copy only this list of properties from a data source to all the documents that it emits. You cannot use the white-list to copy black-listed properties!

Property black-list

Controls a property black-list. This black-list prevents the selected properties from being copied from a data source to any document that it emits. This is is in addition to CtrlSync’s own special properties, like Graph URL, etc. which will never be copied. It’s a good idea to blacklist all properties set by property-mappers and use each mapper’s default property instead. Black-listed properties will never be copied, even if they are contained in the white-list.

Path property

A multi-line text property that stores the full path in MS Graph to the object.

Path mappings

A set of path mappings, see section on property-mappings.

Name mappings

A set of name mappings, see section on property-mappings.

Graph property mappings

A set of graph property mappings, see section on property-mappings.


A list of paths in the data source that should be excluded and thereby ignored by CtrlSync. Must be further configured with a ‘Scope’ and a value. E.g. you can exclude all paths where the last part (the folder containing the files) is named ‘Excluded’, by setting the Scope to ‘Last’ and the Value to ‘Excluded’.

Custom created-by property

A custom created-by property so that you can track which user created the file. This uses the email address of users in M-Files and matches them against users in MS Graph to determine the user. Must be a lookup property that refers to the users value-list.

Custom modified-by property

A custom modified-by property so that you can track which user created the file. This uses the email address of users in M-Files and matches them against users in MS Graph to determine the user. Must be a lookup property that refers to the users value-list.

Property mappings#

In the document configuration, Path mappings, Name mappings and Graph property mappings will result in the creation of property-mappers at run time. The ‘mapping’ defines how each ‘mapper’ operates and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably.

You can read more about PropertyMappers in their separate article.


It’s very important that CtrlSync reports no local or server errors when you are done configuring.